Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's the small things that make something special...

A few days ago, I decided to look at the calendar only to realize that Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Many people look forward to this day to express their love or crush to that someone special, and then there are those who dread the day. There is a part of me that believes we don't need one specific day to pour out our undying love and affection; but that it should be expressed daily.

For awhile, I had been in such a slump (yes, I believe slump fits the emotion) and I did not really look forward to many holidays or events. I pondered over this for emotion for months, others may say years, but for all purposes I will say months. I felt like there were people, things or just something that was missing from my life. There were friends I lost touch with over the years, that I would often wonder about. While visiting my dad in high school, I attended a day of school with my cousin. There I met a great person, who later became one of my best friends. He and I became friends and wrote back and forth for a few years, but we lost touch. I am kind of a packrat and so I keep all letters, cards, small momentos in life. Over the past decade or so, I often wondered about my friend: Did he achieve his dreams? Was he happy? Where was he? I missed my friend. Recently we moved and I was sorting out old boxes and came across all of his letters, cards, and small trinkets. I started doing online searches again for him, and what do you know! On a site I belong to, I came across his brother. It wasn't long after when I was able to contact my friend. It was like we were never separated. We shared stories about things in our lives, special people that meant the world to us. My life started to feel complete again, and for the first time in a long time, I was happy. I am planning a trip to see him soon. He is not only my friend, but I consider him my brother. If you can find one true friend in this world, then you are the richest person alive. Every life matters, every thought is an imprint on our souls. Looking back at the letters of my youth, and reuniting with my friend, I realize that it truly is the small things in our lives that make the world something special. Carpe Diem!

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